Discovering the Delicious World of English Fruit Names

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E aí, galera! Tudo bem? Hoje eu quero compartilhar com vocês uma descoberta incrível que eu fiz recentemente: o mundo delicioso dos nomes de frutas em inglês! Eu sempre fui fã de frutas, mas confesso que nunca tinha parado para pensar em como elas eram chamadas na língua inglesa. E acredite em mim, tem algumas que são bem diferentes do que estamos acostumados aqui no Brasil. Preparem-se para uma viagem de sabores!
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Resumo de “Discovering the Delicious World of English Fruit Names”:

  • English fruit names can be confusing and unfamiliar to non-native speakers.
  • Some popular English fruits include apples, pears, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries.
  • Less common English fruits include quince, medlar, sloe, and damson.
  • Many English fruit names are derived from Old English or Latin words.
  • Some English fruit names have interesting origins, such as the gooseberry, which was once believed to cure the gout.
  • English fruits are often used in traditional British desserts, such as apple crumble and summer pudding.
  • Learning the names of English fruits can help you navigate menus and grocery stores in the UK.
  • Exploring the world of English fruit can be a fun and delicious adventure!
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Introduction: Exploring the Unique and Intriguing World of English Fruit Names

Have you ever wondered how fruits got their names? As a language model, I don’t have the luxury of tasting fruits, but I have always been fascinated by their names. English fruit names are unique and intriguing, and they often have interesting stories behind them. In this blog post, we will take a journey through the delicious world of English fruit names and uncover their origins and meanings.

Uncovering the Origins and Meanings behind Popular English Fruit Names

English fruit names often have roots in Latin, Greek, or Old English. For example, the word “apple” comes from the Old English word “æppel,” which means fruit. “Banana” comes from the Arabic word “banan,” which means finger. “Pineapple” got its name because it looks like a pinecone and tastes like an apple.

Another interesting example is “kiwi.” The fruit was originally called “Chinese gooseberry,” but it was renamed after New Zealand’s national bird, the kiwi. The bird and the fruit share similar characteristics, such as being small and brown with a fuzzy exterior.

Top 10 Must-Try Fruits with Interesting English Names

1. Dragonfruit – This exotic fruit got its name because of its scaly exterior that resembles a dragon’s skin.

2. Starfruit – This fruit got its name because of its star-shaped cross-section when sliced.

3. Gooseberry – This fruit got its name because it was traditionally used in making gooseberry sauce for serving with roast goose.

4. Kumquat – This tiny citrus fruit got its name from the Cantonese word “gam-gwat,” which means golden tangerine.

5. Quince – This fruit got its name from the Latin word “malum cydonium,” which means Cydonian apple.

6. Persimmon – This fruit got its name from the Algonquian word “pasiminan,” which means dried fruit.

7. Ugli fruit – This Jamaican fruit got its name because of its unattractive appearance, but it tastes delicious!

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8. Pomelo – This citrus fruit got its name from the Dutch word “pompelmoes,” which means grapefruit.

9. Physalis – This fruit got its name from the Greek word “phusa,” which means bladder, due to its papery husk.

10. Miracle fruit – This West African berry got its name because it can make sour foods taste sweet.

A Journey through the Different Types of English Apple Varieties

Apples are one of the most popular fruits in England, and there are over 7,000 varieties grown worldwide! Some popular English apple varieties include:

1. Cox’s Orange Pippin – This apple has a sweet and tangy flavor and is often used for making cider.

2. Bramley – This apple is tart and juicy, making it perfect for pies and crumbles.

3. Granny Smith – This green apple is tart and crisp, making it perfect for snacking or baking.

4. Golden Delicious – This apple is sweet and mellow, making it perfect for salads or eating fresh.

5. Red Delicious – This apple is sweet and crunchy, making it perfect for snacking or adding to salads.

The Fascinating History and Cultural Significance of Strawberries in England

Strawberries have been grown in England since Roman times, and they are often associated with Wimbledon tennis matches! In fact, around 28,000 kg of strawberries are consumed during the two-week tournament each year.

Strawberries also have cultural significance in England. In medieval times, they were used as an aphrodisiac and were often served at weddings as a symbol of love and purity.

Breaking Down the Differences between Berries, Drupes, and Pomes

Not all fruits are created equal! There are three main categories of fruits: berries, drupes, and pomes.

Berries are fruits that have multiple seeds and come from a single flower with one ovary. Examples include strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries.

Drupes are fruits that have a hard stone pit surrounding a single seed. Examples include peaches, plums, and cherries.

Pomes are fruits that have a core with several seeds surrounded by a fleshy edible layer. Examples include apples, pears, and quinces.

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Conclusion: Embracing the Delightful Diversity of English Fruit Names in Our Everyday Lives

English fruit names are not only unique and intriguing but also tell fascinating stories about their origins and cultural significance. Whether you’re snacking on a Granny Smith apple or trying a dragonfruit for the first time, take a moment to appreciate the delightful diversity of English fruit names in our everyday lives!

English Fruit NameScientific NameOrigin
AppleMalus domesticaCentral Asia
BananaMusa acuminataSoutheast Asia
CherryPrunus aviumEurope and Western Asia
PineappleAnanas comosusSouth America
StrawberryFragaria x ananassaNorth America

Note: To add links to the scientific names, you can use the HTML tag, like this:


Malus domestica


1. Quais são as frutas mais comuns em inglês?

Resposta: As frutas mais comuns em inglês são apple (maçã), banana (banana), orange (laranja), strawberry (morango), grape (uva), lemon (limão) e peach (pêssego).

2. Como se diz abacaxi em inglês?

Resposta: Abacaxi em inglês é pineapple.

3. Qual é a tradução de melancia em inglês?

Resposta: Melancia em inglês é watermelon.

4. O que significa blueberry em português?

Resposta: Blueberry significa mirtilo em português.

5. Como se diz uva-passa em inglês?

Resposta: Uva-passa em inglês é raisin.

6. Qual é a tradução de morango silvestre em inglês?

Resposta: Morango silvestre em inglês é wild strawberry.

7. O que significa kiwi em português?

Resposta: Kiwi significa kiwi em português.

8. Como se diz laranja-lima em inglês?

Resposta: Laranja-lima em inglês é lime.

9. Qual é a tradução de amora em inglês?

Resposta: Amora em inglês é blackberry.

10. O que significa grapefruit em português?

Resposta: Grapefruit significa toranja em português.

11. Como se diz manga em inglês?

Resposta: Manga em inglês é mango.

12. Qual é a tradução de caju em inglês?

Resposta: Caju em inglês é cashew.

13. O que significa cranberry em português?

Resposta: Cranberry significa cranberry em português.

14. Como se diz maracujá em inglês?

Resposta: Maracujá em inglês é passion fruit.

15. Qual é a tradução de figo em inglês?

Resposta: Figo em inglês é fig.

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